how do i view all all cengagenow assignments with options


As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, CengageNOW is an educational platform used for online learning, and specific steps may vary depending on updates and changes made to the platform. Additionally, the exact process can differ based on your instructor's settings and the version of the platform your institution is using. Therefore, it's essential to refer to the specific instructions provided by your instructor or the platform itself. Here is a general guide that may help you find your assignments:

  1. Log In:

    • Log in to your CengageNOW account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Course:

    • Once logged in, find the course for which you want to view assignments. This might be on your dashboard or within a specific course list.
  3. Access Assignments:

    • Look for a tab or section labeled "Assignments," "Homework," or a similar term. This is where your assignments are typically listed.
  4. Filter or View All:

    • Some platforms allow you to filter assignments based on various criteria (e.g., due date, type of assignment). Check for any filter options that let you view all assignments.
  5. Options for Each Assignment:

    • Once you are in the assignment section, there may be options associated with each assignment. Common options include "Start," "Resume," or "Review." Choose the appropriate option based on the status of each assignment.
  6. Due Dates:

    • Pay attention to due dates associated with each assignment. This information may be displayed next to or beneath each assignment title.
  7. Contact Support:

    • If you are having difficulty finding assignments or accessing specific options, consider reaching out to CengageNOW support or your instructor for assistance.

Always remember to follow any guidelines provided by your instructor, as they may have specific instructions on accessing and completing assignments on the CengageNOW platform. Since technology and platforms can change, referring to the most recent documentation or contacting support for the specific platform you are using is advisable


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