how can you extract all the files in the assignments compressed folder to the documents folder?


The process of extracting files from a compressed folder and moving them to the Documents folder depends on the operating system you are using. Here are instructions for common operating systems:


  1. Locate the Compressed Folder:

    • Navigate to the folder containing the compressed folder (ZIP file).
    • Right-click on the compressed folder.
  2. Extract All:

    • From the context menu, select "Extract All."
    • Follow the extraction wizard to choose the destination folder (select the Documents folder).
  3. Move Extracted Files:

    • After extraction, open the extracted folder.
    • Select all files (Ctrl+A) or specific files you want to move.
    • Right-click and choose "Cut" (Ctrl+X).
    • Navigate to the Documents folder.
    • Right-click in the Documents folder and choose "Paste" (Ctrl+V).


  1. Locate the Compressed Folder:

    • Navigate to the folder containing the compressed folder (ZIP file).
    • Double-click on the compressed folder to automatically extract its contents.
  2. Move Extracted Files:

    • Open the extracted folder.
    • Select all files (Command+A) or specific files you want to move.
    • Right-click and choose "Copy" or use Command+C.
    • Navigate to the Documents folder.
    • Right-click in the Documents folder and choose "Paste" or use Command+V.

Linux (Using Terminal):

  1. Open Terminal:

    • Navigate to the folder containing the compressed folder using the cd command.
  2. Extract Files:

    • Use the unzip command to extract the contents. For example:
      unzip -d /path/to/Documents
      Replace "" with the actual name of your compressed folder, and "/path/to/Documents" with the path to your Documents folder.

Keep in mind that file paths may vary based on your system configuration. If you encounter any issues, adjust the commands accordingly or provide more details about your operating system for further assistance


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